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Vieques Guide

Oct 22nd
Kindermusik on Vieques PDF Print E-mail

Kindermusik in ViequesKindermusik is an innovative music program for children 0-7 years of age that is introduced to Vieques by Annette Bou and Mireya Padín, both teachers and pioneers of this curriculum in Puerto Rico. It was designed to develop creativity and stimulate learning in the young child through music and movement.

Kindermusik originates in Germany in the 1960’s. However, in the late 70’s the foundations of this method were adopted by a group of professionals from the U.S. Psychologists, educators, doctors, and musicians studied its foundations and created a curriculum that focused on the child’s holistic development. Kinder- musik reaches Puerto Rico in 1995 with its first training course, in which Annette Bou became licensed. Children and parents participate in the classes in a unique experience using both clas- sical and children’s music. The learning environment that Kindermusik creates is one that uses the child’s natural sense of joy. It channels the child’s inclination to play, sing, dance, create, play simple percussion instruments and self-express to enhance the growing process and help the child develop self-awareness, while stimulating musical development. The program in Puerto Rico is bilingual and also includes elements of traditional Puerto Rican children’s songs and games.

Annette Bou brings to her classes more than 20 years of teach- ing experience at the celebrated San Juan Children’s Choir (CNSJ), and a nomination to the 2006 7th annual Latin Grammy Awards in New York for her work on the recording Canciones y Cantos-Juegos Infantiles del Folklor Puertorriqueño (Songs and Chants: Children’s Games in the Puerto Rican Folklore). Her school, Casa de las Artes, located in Baya- món, has offered Kindermusik for 11 years to Puerto Rican families. Mireya Padín has been licensed in the Kindermusik method for 11 years, and also taught music at the CNSJ for 6 years.

The program will be offered Saturday mornings at the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust in Esperanza, between 8:00 and 11:00am. The cost is $160 to $300 per semester, depending on the age of the child. Classes are scheduled to begin in March. A the time of this article, children can still sign up. If you would like more informa- tion about Kindermusik classes, you may call (787) 640-1931 or (787) 391-9815, or send an e-mail to: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

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